What is traditional chinese medicine?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a comprehensive and ancient healthcare system with roots deeply embedded in Chinese philosophy, culture, and natural observations. At its foundation lies the concept of vital energy (qi) flow, the delicate equilibrium of yin and yang forces, and the synchronised functioning of the body's organs.
Central to TCM is the notion that imbalances or disruptions in the body's energy flow can lead to illness, and the primary goal of TCM interventions is to restore this balance. Acupuncture, for example, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points along meridians to regulate the flow of qi.
TCM has transcended its traditional origins and has become a globally recognised and practiced system of healthcare. In Australia, becoming a practitioner involves completing a 4-year Bachelor or Masters degree at university. TCM practitioners are accredited under the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia and the Australian Health Regulation Agency.

Why might I see a TCM practitioner?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners address a wide range of health conditions. While TCM is not a substitute for emergency medical care, surgery, or certain specialized treatments, practitioners often work with individuals seeking support for various conditions, including:
Pain Management: Acute and chronic pain, including back pain, neck pain, and migraines.
Musculoskeletal Disorders: Arthritis, tendonitis, and injuries affecting joints and muscles.
Digestive Issues: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), indigestion, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
Respiratory Conditions: Asthma, allergies, and chronic bronchitis.
Stress and Anxiety: Stress-related disorders, anxiety, and insomnia.
Women's Health: Menstrual irregularities, fertility issues, and symptoms of menopause.
Dermatological Conditions: Eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
Immune System Support: Recurrent infections, immune system imbalances, and chronic fatigue.
Cardiovascular Health: Hypertension, poor circulation, and support for heart health.
Mental Health: Depression, mood disorders, and emotional well-being.
Neurological Conditions: Headaches, migraines, and neuropathy.
Urinary Issues: Urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and bladder-related concerns.
Weight Management: Support for healthy weight management and metabolic balance.
Addiction Support: Assistance with smoking cessation and substance abuse.
It's important to note that TCM views each individual holistically, considering not only the symptoms but also the underlying patterns of imbalance. While TCM may not be a cure-all, it can complement conventional medical treatments and support overall well-being. Individuals seeking TCM care often appreciate its individualised approach and focus on addressing the root causes of health issues. Before seeking TCM or any complementary therapy, consulting with medical professionals is advisable.
TCM consultation process
A consultation with an TCM practitioner involves a 4-step process.
1. History
As a new patient, we have you complete a form prior to the consultation. During the consultation we run an in-depth discussion about the your medical history, lifestyle, diet, and emotional well-being. This holistic approach aims to understand your overall health and potential imbalances.

2. Examination
We perform a physical examination, which involves:
assesing your tongue
assessing the characteristcs of your pulse
palpating (feeling) your abdomen
palpating your energy channels

3. Diagnosis
We then explain our findings to you often involving an explanation about:
the imbalances that we have found
the factors that may have contributed to your presentation
areas that can be improved on or those that are doing well
the prognosis, i.e. expected recovery

4. Treatment & Management
At Prom Health, our TCM practitioners can provide a broad range of options tailored to your needs. During each consultation, we will determine which treatments are most appropriate. Click here for more information about treatment options.
How long does an appointment go for?
Initial consultations: 60 minutes
Return consultations: 45 minutes​
I am a new patient. What do I need to do before seeing an osteopath?
Call us or book online to make an appointment.
Complete the intake form.
Bring along any relevant medical records or imaging.
Should I arrive early for an appointment?
Our practitioners tend to run on time, so please arrive at least 5 minutes before your appointment.​
Do I need a referral?
No, you do not need a referral.​​
Can I bring a carer, partner or my children?
Yes, you are welcome to bring another person along to the consult when necessary.
What do I wear to a consult? Do I have to undress?
To adequately assess and treat a condition, we may ask that you partially disrobe to expose the area of interest. For example, this means removing a t-shirt or jeans, however, undergarments remains on.
Your comfort is most important. If you are sensitive about your body, an option is to wear a singlet with fine straps or loose fitting shorts. Gowns are also offered as an option & we always use towels for draping.
Will my consult be covered by WorkCover, TAC, NDIS, DVA?
For details on the following, please go to the menu and you will find relevant information under the appointments section.
Do you process private health claims onsite?
We have a TYRO machine on site to process Private Health claims/rebates. Please check with your Health Insurance Provider to see if your plan includes the particular health service that you will recieve. To claim Private Health, you must bring your Private Health card with you. Our Tyro machine does not support phone-based claiming for Private Health.
Are TCM treatments safe?
When administered by a qualified practitioner, TCM treatments are generally considered safe. However, it's important to inform the practitioner about existing health conditions and medications to ensure a tailored and safe treatment plan.